Episode 10: Reconnecting with Imani Cohen, The Hood Healer on 2019 reflections so far and becoming and unbecoming in life


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Imani aka The Hood Healer is a psychic clairvoyant from Los Angeles who is bicoastal and currently based in New York. As previously mentioned, Imani has been a significant part of my spiritual growth and creative pursuits in the last year, so I was grateful to have her as my guest on Episode 2 of Progression back in February. You can catch up on that episode here.

We’re now officially in Virgo season, and there’s no better way to welcome the season on the show with none other than the Virgo queen herself, Imani. We reflect on how 2019 has been so far, more gems around embracing your personal power, and the concepts of becoming and unbecoming in life. We revisit her thoughts on the Age of Aquarius and everything in between, from her continuous community work surrounding topics of womb healing and more. Follow Imani at @thehoodhealer.

Published August 29, 2019

Quick Interview Notes:

1:10 - September 5 is Imani’s birthday - put it in your cal

1:20 - what to expect during Virgo season

2:07 - managing her growing business so far and going through changes 

3:07 - wellness tour - essence of the divine feminine

4:25 - different energies in different cities during the tour

7:38 - her experience being a part of Essence Fest this year

12:03 - the “soul family” IG page

13:02 - healing the hood is about providing space

14:15 - how Imani’s predictions from earlier in the year are happening and more on the Information Age

15:29 - “it’s imperative to decipher to choose for yourself” and encourage to read and be objective in your own thinking

16:18 - to get through changes, just embrace them, don’t resist

17:31 - “life is a gradual process of becoming and unbecoming”

18:36 - the impact of Nipsey Hussle on Imani and the community

22:58 - it’s challenging to fight for what’s right and to move with integrity…it costs to be a real one

24:06 - harnessing power has a lot to do with how I love myself. Self-respect = self-love = self-preservation

24:36 - reminder on importance of boundaries

26:45 - the importance of the pause 

28:31 - Imani on her mom’s passing and reflections and acceptance from it

31:19 - it’s important not to hold onto things so tightly. Nipsey on experiencing people, not holding onto people or making homes in them

32:25 - the more you hold onto, the more you lose power

32:44 - anger and how it’s addicting

35:10 - “as long as we have breath, we have options”

36:51 - the concept of “shadow banning” and dark sides of technology

38:08 - how everything is connected so it’s important for us to empower ourselves

38:47 - Imani on why she is against birth control

44:20 - Imani being selective about connecting with people, largely due to her being a Scorpio Moon

44:42 - Spirit shows us quickly who’s who

44:57 - intuitively we know but we give people the benefit of the doubt = an opportunity to set ourselves up for disappointment that leads to questioning

45:37 - what to tap in with intuition - diet is a big part of this

47:44 - Imani feels she was Korean in a past life

50:48 - what to be mindful for the rest of in 2019

51:45 - life is short. We deserve to have everything we want but need to know what we need to ask and not be in fear

52:05 - it’s our birthright to live abundantly

54:27 - Imani’s gratitude list